My Story

A little something about me and only me. Keep Calm and Game On 😉

Olivia Story - Game on Mommy

The Mommy Life

Ain’t it cool to have a Vision statement. But then, right from the morning sickness, endless cramps to running behind our young ones, a mommy’s vision is nowhere but always on her kid.  

From the unbound joy of hearing our newborn’s first cry, to their first grumpy face when green vegetables are served for breakfast, life for a mommy is action-packed. 

Stepping into motherhood is the start of anxious days. While the family and societal support system helps, we are always on the look-out for the zaniest of information for our kids. 

Be it looking for a gynaec who insists on a natural birthing rather than a C-section, to looking for chewable toys, floating ducks for the bath, nutritious snacks for toddlers to the best kindergarten in the neighbourhood. 

It is a process of self-discovery as we meander through the challenges of a fast-growing toddler, managing a family, having a social life, trying to get back to work – and coming out on top at everything. Whoever said motherhood as boring, has never seen the smile on their young one.

I am Olivia, founder of

I am married and a mommy to an adorable son. I also have an enriching professional career. Trust me on this, being a mommy along with a full-time job has been extremely difficult to handle than I thought it would be.

I am a marketeer and love doing what I do. So much so that, I had planned out my pregnancy 3 years after getting married. I like to be independent and did not want to forego my career and just be a full-time mommy. The thought of it scared me to death.

Finally, when motherhood came knocking, I always wanted more than the advice at home and from friends, which led to the perennial search for information online – the best place for kids haircut, the best kindergarten around, the best kids apparel online, the best diapers, the best reading books and so on. 

While I did hit on answers for searches, one thing that dawned on me was the yawning need for a one-stop repository of all information that a would-be to able mommy would need. Thus, was born the idea of Game On Mommy. 

Game On Mommy is an attempt to bring together an exhaustive and holistic information on motherhood, right from pre-natal days to our kids turning age 8. 

Game On Mommy should ably provide you information on pregnancy, new moms, child growth, education, grooming, technology and so on.

If you have any questions about the content on the website, reach me directly at

My Story

Game on Mommy Olivia Park

Game On Mommy brings together an exhaustive and holistic information on motherhood. It is a one-stop repository that includes information on pregnancy, parenting, child growth, education, grooming, technology and so on.

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